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Yunus 11th

Nobel hero among world’s most influential business thinkers

Nobel Peace Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus has been featured as one of the most influential business-thinkers in a new ranking compiled by The Wall Street Journal.
The founder of Grameen Bank and pioneer of microcredit and social business concepts that are being followed around the world was ranked 11th in the 2013 list of business-thinkers.
Paul Krugman, Nobel prize winner in economics, topped the list. He was followed by Joseph Stiglitz, Bill Gates, Michael Porter, Thomas Friedman, Eric Schmidt, Richard Branson, Malcolm Gladwell, Robert Reich, Jack Welch, Prof Yunus, Niall Ferguson, Michael Dell, Howard Gardner and Jimmy Wales in the order.
The results were based on Google hits, media mentions and academic citations, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The findings show how much the business-guru landscape has changed since the previous ranking in 2008.
The 2008 list that was done using a similar methodology had author and consultant Gary Hamel as the no. 1 business-thinkers.
Tom Davenport, a professor at Babson College, compiled this year’s ranking with Jeffrey Cronin of Harvard Business School.
“I call the new list the invasion of the celebrity economists,” Davenport said.
The financial crisis has made economic insight valuable to businesses and consumers alike. “People are casting about for what caused the crisis. That’s one of the reasons economists did so well in the rankings,” Davenport noted.

Source: The Daily Star

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