Professor Mohammad Yunus visited Kunming recently where he was received by Mr. Ye Liaoyan, Chairman of Yunnan Normal University and its vice chancellor Professor Yuan Yichuan. The university has student population of 40 thousand, 65 per cent of whom are girls. Thirty thousand students live on campus. There are 2,300 faculty members.
Professor Yunus led a tree planting ceremony with female students of Yunnan in their colorful traditional dresses. He gave the annual lecture at the university attended by students, teachers, and the city elites.
Before the lecture, the Chairman and the Vice-Chancellor gave a tour of the gallery of photographs of the distinguished Chinese and international scholars who gave the annual lectures over the university’s long history.
The Vice-Chancellor announced the setting up of Yunus Social Business Centre and signed an agreement with Professor Yunus on stage for providing support to the university in building up of the Centre. In his lecture Professor Yunus emphasized how young people can change the world with their creative power.
Source: Weekly Holiday