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WAR TRIAL Ghulam Azam challenges verdict

This file photo shows ex-Jamaat-e-Islami chief Ghulam Azam being taken to Dhaka Central Jail after hearing from International Crimes Tribunal in Dhaka.

Former Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Ghulam Azam filed an appeal with the Supreme Court on Monday challenging the 90-year jail awarded to him for his crimes against humanity during the 1971 Liberation War.

Finding him guilty of all five wartime criminal offences, the ICT-1 on July 15 sentenced Ghulam Azam to 90 years’ imprisonment for masterminding crimes against humanity, genocide and other wartime offences in 1971.

Challenging the verdict, Advocate Tajul Islam and some other lawyers on Monday submitted a 95-page appeal along with documents of more than 9,000 pages on behalf of Ghulam Azam to the appeal section of the apex court.

In the appeal, Ghulam Azam mentioned 109 grounds for seeking acquittal of the charges.

The Jamaat leader said the ICT-1 has committed a serious error of law in finding Ghulam Azam criminally liable for the commission of the offences in 1971 under section 4(2) of the ICT act.

In the appeal, Ghulam Azam said there is no element of offences or crimes against humanity and genocide in the charges brought against him.

The ICT-1 verdict is not a verdict actually, he said.

Ghulam Azam was complicit with the perpetrators in planning, conspiracy and incitement which resulted in massive atrocities during the nation’s struggle for freedom from Pakistan.

While giving the verdict on July 15, the ICT-1 said Ghulam Azam deserved the gallows but he was given prison terms due to his old age.

Source: The Daily Star

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