Coordinator of the National Tobacco Control Cell and a joint secretary of the health ministry Muhammad Ruhul Quddus said Health Minister Muhammed Nasim has asked them ensure no smokers get admitted into medical colleges.
While attending a pictorial health warning workshop on Tuesday, the secretary said they are trying to come up with a policy that can be used to carry out the minister’s instructions.
Around 10,000 students get enrolled in the country’s 120 medical and dental colleges every year.
The minister had previously indicated that a non-smoking certificate would be sought from the aspirants prior to admission.
In Bangladesh, an estimated 57,000 people die every year due illnesses caused from consuming tobaccos and another 300,000 are left with disabilities. Over 43 percent of the country’s population aged 15 and above are consumers of tobacco in one form or the other.
Raising prices by increases taxes and printing pictorial health warning on the covers are some of the measures used to discourage new smokers, but still Bangladesh falls behind many countries in implementing effective anti-tobacco measures.
According to the new 2013 law, 50 percent of the tobacco pack will be covered by pictorial health warnings.
Tobacco is sold in a much cheaper price in Bangladesh than other countries, anti-tobacco campaigners such as Progga and Anti Tobacco Medical Alliance still remains skeptical.
Source: Ittefaq