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REPATRIATION OF RASHED CHY, ASHRAFUZZAMAN US senator ‘assures’ Bangladesh of cooperation

Rashed Chowdhury, left, and Ashrafuzzaman Khan

A US senator assured of cooperation when Bangladesh sought US support in bringing back Bangabandhu’s self-confessed convicted killer Rashed Chowdhury and war crimes accused Ashrafuzzaman Khan.

The assurance came when Foreign Minister Dipu Moni held a hour-long meeting with US Senator Harry Reid held in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday, according to a foreign ministry media release issued on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Dipu Moni expressed her hope that the US government would help Bangladesh uphold the rule of law and human rights by sending Rashed and Ashrafuzzaman, who are now in USA.

Welcoming the foreign minister to Las Vegas, Reid praised Bangladesh for its pioneering role in different fields and showed keen interest in Bangladesh’s social developmental issues.

The foreign minister apprised the Senator of the significant progress made by Bangladesh in various areas such as women empowerment, primary and mass education, fall in infant and maternal mortality rate and achievement in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

As Senator Reid referred to Rana Plaza incident and RMG issues, the foreign minister informed him of the steps taken by the government to ensure labour rights and work place safety in the RMG sector in Bangladesh.

Dipu Moni also briefed the Senator on the current political developments in Bangladesh as he enquired about it.

She also apprised him of the ongoing trial of the alleged war criminals for genocide and crimes against humanity in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh.

They discussed the Bangladesh-US relations which have now seen tremendous growth in many sectors.

The impact of climate change on Bangladesh and other vulnerable countries also came up for discussion.

The foreign minister invited Senator Reid to visit Bangladesh in the near future and he accepted the invitation.

Later, Dipu Moni attended a reception accorded to her by Bangladesh Medical Association of North America, Nevada Chapter.

On Tuesday, the foreign minister addressed the Bangladesh community in Los Angeles who organised a reception in her honour.

She also inaugurated the solo exhibition of the Los Angeles based Bangladeshi painter Ratan Saha. Earlier, she visited the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Los Angeles to see its activities.

Source: The Daily Star

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