Punjab’s Home Minister Shuja Khanzada has been killed in a suicide attack in the Pakistani province, police say.
Twelve other people died in the attack at Khanzada’s office in District Attock, about 80km (50 miles) north-west of the capital, Islamabad.
Khanzada was seen as the man in charge of the anti-terror campaign in Pakistan’s biggest province.
A Sunni militant group with ties to al-Qaeda has said it ordered the attack.
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi said it was in response to last month’s killing of its leader, Malik Ishaq.
Shuja Khanzada is the most senior Pakistani politician to have been killed by militants this year.
The minister’s death is being seen as a significant blow to Pakistan’s recent gains in the fight against militancy and extremism, says the BBC’s Shahzeb Jillani in Islamabad.
Our correspondent says questions are being asked about his security as the home minister had reported threats made against him.
Source: The Daily Star