TIB survey findings show 77pc passport seekers fall victims to corruption
TIB researchers Waheed Alam, MN Alam and Farhana Rahman presented the survey at a press conference at the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) office in the capital yesterday.
“Corruption appeared to be an attack on our morality. Bribe has become a part of the daily life. Each and everybody gets involved in corruption — willingly or unwillingly. This is the greatest concern for us,” said TIB Trustee Board Chairperson Sultana Kamal.
She said it became difficult to get services from the people responsible to provide those. As a result, the most affected are the common people, especially those who have no one to back them up.
The TIB National Household Survey 2015 is the seventh since 1997, when the graft watchdog started doing such survey.
The service sectors covered in the survey include health, education, electricity, local government institutions, banking, NGO, agriculture, land administration, insurance, law enforcing agencies, judicial service, passport, gas, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, tax and duty.
The survey, conducted on the basis of experiences of the households, is meant to expose the trend and extent of corruption faced by people in seeking various services from public or private entities, and to help the authorities take effective measures in checking corruption.
Authorities have introduced machine readable passports to ease passport service in exchange for the government fees, but various irregularities remain high.
At least 3.5 percent of the households surveyed received services from the passport office, and 77.7 percent of them were victim of corruption.
On average 76.1 percent service recipients had to bribe Tk 3,120 each. Besides, 12 percent service recipients had to face unnecessary delays in getting services, 3.1 percent faced fraudulence and 1.7 percent faced nepotism.
At least 65.9 percent service recipients from law enforcers had to bribe, 6.5 percent faced threats or misconduct and 5.3 percent faced false cases, the survey found.
Other irregularities include arrests for no reasons, negligence in accepting general diary or first information report, submitting false charge sheet, delay in getting police verification certificate and other harassments.
Service recipients had to pay the highest amount of bribe, Tk 7,697, to thana police, and the lowest amount, Tk 942, to the Special Branch of police (SB).
The respondents said they were forced to bribe because otherwise they would not get the services in time or not at all. Some also bribed to get illegal services or before schedule.
Nearly 58 percent service recipients had to bribe while paying exam fees, 39.5 percent in paying registration fees, 36.8 percent in withdrawing certificates and 25.9 percent faced corruption while taking admission or re-admission. The average additional amount they paid is Tk 95.
Besides, they faced irregularities in getting enlisted for stipend, getting books and suggestions.
“The poor are affected the most as the burden of bribe is more for them,” said TIB Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman.
According to the survey, the households earning less than Tk 16,000 a month each paid 2.16 percent of their income in bribe, while those earning more than Tk 64,000 paid 0.03 percent of their income.
The researchers observed corruption in 2015 went up in local government institutions and electricity compared to 2012, but went down in land administration and judicial services.
Also, corruption in rural areas was more (faced by 69.5 percent households) than urban areas (faced by 62.6 percent households).
The government has an electoral mandate and a national strategy, laws and various institutions to check corruption, but its prevalence is rising, said Iftekharuzzaman.
“Those who are committing corruption are not being punished. This is the major reason why corruption is not falling,” he told journalists.
It is very unfortunate that the regulatory institutions that are supposed to check corruption and crimes get involved in corrupt practices, he said.
He said there is also political influence on various institutions, recruitments and transfers. Such practices have to stop if corruption is to be checked.
“If the big corrupt people go unchecked, it has its ripple effects on the lower level,” the TIB official said.
Sultana Kamal said taking steps to check corruption were becoming difficult as there was a tendency on the part of the authorities to deny corruption allegations.
Source: The Daily Star