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No surprise does not mean stop scrutiny

The Election Commission should actively investigate any appearance of financial impropriety or unto-ward influence that is revealed by MP wealth statements

With an election underway, the Election Commission has an obligation to investigate the wealth statements made by candidates and to take action where appropriate.

Finance Minister AMA Muhith has remarked that the reportedly unusual or very rapid growth in the wealth of some MPs and their families is normal and should be expected in light of the country’s economic boom.

While he may be right to state that it is usual for parliamentarians’ wealth to grow while they are in power, the question he should be asking on behalf of the public is why this is the case. Muhith should be encouraging the EC to actively investigate any appearance of financial impropriety or untoward influence that is revealed by MP wealth statements.

MPs are public servants and the public is entitled to have appropriate enquires made into any discrepancies that are brought to light.

The EC’s duty to ensure transparency to enable media scrutiny also includes making sure that wealth statements of the candidates of all parties are equally accessible to citizens.

However, the EC website has lately been found not to be allowing the download of all candidates’ affidavits, so there is concern that the EC may have responded to government calls to stop publishing its party’s affidavits. This problem should be rectified as a priority.

Source: Dhaka Tribune

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