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Dristhipath Natyadal celebrates 30th anniversary


Dristipath Natyadal celebrated its 30th founding anniversary by organizing a six-day theatre festival at Shilpakola Academy . Twelve theatre groups including one from Kolkata presented their productions to the much delight of Dhaka theatre viewers.
Besides open stage cultural programmes were held every afternoon from November 9 to 14.
On Friday, the third day of the festival, Kolyani Kolamondolom of India presented  a two-artist production Manushi characterizing the life of an ordinary woman, a housewife.
Manushi is based on the play “ A woman alone & others “ by Nobel Winner Italian writer  Dario Fo. A popular and controversial playwright , actor and Dario Fo has  earned  international acclaimfor his political satires and farces.
The  Bengali adaptation was  made Asim das.  Ananya Das  and  Santanu Das  played  the  role  of  Mela,  the only character  of  this  play  whos  is  at  her  fifties.
Housewife  from a well to do family, background , Mela having  shades of  vices  and virtues  like  any other  common  human being of her  age.  We got to know everything  about  mela, her family , her past , her present her told  and untold love, her fears and joy while she  talks with a young women, her new neighbour across  the window  of her apartment.
Mela  says, she is quite happy. Her husband has given her all the materialistic  things that money can buy. She has absolutely no complain too. That is what Mela says to the  neighbouring woman. But is that true in real sense?
Mela’s elder son is coming back home today after five long  years  staying abroad  along with his newly married foreign wife. Mela is at the top of  her ecstatic mood  to welcome  her daughter- in-law for the first time in  her house.  She is happy. She is busy. And  she  is remembering  all  those  sweet  memories of   her young  motherhood days  completely occupied by  her three  beautiful little kids.  All of  them are adult today and busy in their own world. Neither  thay nor  her husband  has time for Mela. She  can find  joy only  in caring  mentally retarded  10 yesar-old  grand daughter and her perverted  brother-in-law. Who is  physically disabled  also.
Meanwhile,  a phone  call from comes  from the manager  of  her  husband’s  office who informs  that  her husband has suddenly gone to Bangkok. Mela  become  tensed. Now  the phone  call comes from her  son who has reached here  but boarded  on hotel because  he assumes  that  there will be  no adjustment  between  his wife and his mother. Moreover  he tells  that  now  the house become  a madhouse. The son rather  ask  mela  to meet them at the hotel.
Now Mela  becomes completely  alone , feel  in absolute  alone, and fe4ll  in absolute despair. She  accepts  the  loneliness  as her  only companion.

Source: Weekly Holiday

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