The committee members in the meeting held Thursday also agreed to finalise the document in a week’s time, said an ILO release on Friday.
Labour and Employment Secretary Mikail Shipar presided over the meeting held at the Minisry of Labour.
The National Tripartite Committee was formed to implement the National Tripartite Plan of Action on Building and Fire Safety in the RMG sector in Bangladesh (NAP).
On the issue of factory safety assessments, the meeting also agreed to set up a tripartite technical sub-committee.
The sub-committee will focus on the structural integrity of buildings and fire safety, including practical details of how inspections will be carried out, the parameters of such inspections, and co-ordination with other assessments such as those planned by European and US buyers and brands.
The sub-committee will be chaired by the Ministry of Labour and will be directly monitored by the high-level Tripartite Committee. The ILO will offer technical assistance as requested.
The Committee agreed to hear a report at its next meeting on the medical, vocational and economic rehabilitation of victims of the recent garment factory disasters.
The Tripartite Committee brings together representatives of government, and workers’ and employers’ organizations, with the International Labour Organization (ILO) playing an advisory role.
The NAP was formally agreed on March 24 and the aim of the Action Plan is to take comprehensive action to prevent any further loss of life, limb and property through workplace fires and related incidents.
The practical activities under consideration include assessing the structural integrity of all active readymade garment (RMG) factories, developing and distributing educational tools on rights and occupational safety and health to workers and middle managers, and redeploying and rehabilitating workers affected by the recent accidents.
The Director of the ILO’s Country Office for Bangladesh, Srinivas Reddy introduced a team of international ILO specialists who will support the Committee in developing its work.
The ILO team’s expertise covers a wide range of areas, including international labour standards, fundamental principles and rights at work, occupational health and safety, fundraising and partnership-building, and communications.
Others attending the meeting included representatives of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters’ Association, the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters’ Association, Bangladesh Employers Federation, Bangladesh Power Development Board, Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defence, the Public Works Department and the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments.