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BNP worried about city polls campaign


The BNP is worried whether the party’s candidates, as well as its leaders and activists, will be able to campaign freely if they decide to contest Dhaka and Chittagong city corporation polls.

Once the decision to join the elections is finalised, the election commission will be officially apprised of the BNP’s apprehensions through the party nominees.

Sources within the BNP said they want to highlight the need of a level-playing field for free and fair elections.

The BNP’s central leaders are talking about approaching the election commission so that the politically motivated cases, arrests and harassment are halted and leaders can come out freely to campaign.

The BNP’s standing committee member Nazrul Islam Khan told Prothom Alo on Sunday that no decision had been taken about participation in the city corporation polls as yet. This will be finalised during discussions in the party and with the alliance. If the decision is positive, various factors including the apprehensions will be raised.

Another source in the BNP said the party is seeing the sudden decision to hold the city corporation election as a strategic move by the Awami League government.

They feel the election is being held for two reasons. One is to draw attention away from the BNP’s movement. The other is to sweep the polls if the BNP does not contest.

That is why, the  sources said, the BNP leadership is considering seriously all factors before deciding whether or not to contest.

The party’s leaders of the two cities have, in the meantime, have already begun preparations. They are watching closely the role of the election commission too. They said, it is imperative to have an environment conducive to the elections.

Though the local government elections are supposed to be a non-party affair, these are all carried out on a party basis.

The BNP’s head office has long been under lock and key. Some of the leaders whose names are being heard as possible mayoral candidates are either in jail or in hiding. It is the same in the case of the possible councillor candidates.

A member of the standing committee said, the election commission till now has not taken any steps to create a positive environment for the election. Under the circumstances, there are apprehensions as to whether the BNP candidates will be able to campaign openly during the election.

The BNP chairperson’s advisor Maj. Gen. (retd) Ruhul Alam Chowdhury, told Prothom Alo, the possible candidates for this election, as well as those who will campaign for them, are either in jail or in hiding to evade arrest. If the police nabs them when they emerge to campaign, it will not be possible to contest.

He said, the election commission must make sure that during the election, the political accused persons cannot be arrested. Cases against them must be withdrawn.

Source: Prothom Alo

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