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Bangladeshis safe in Kunming: Ministry

They’re advised to stay alert

No Bangladeshi is among those injured and dead in the mass knife-attack at a railway station of Yunnan’s provincial capital Kunming, China on Sunday night.


At least 33 people were killed and at least 140 wounded in the knife-attack, triggering speculations whether Xinjiang separatists were responsible for it.


“No Bangladesh national has been affected. Our consulate general’s office in Kunming is on alert about it,” Shameem Ahsan, Director General of the External Publicity Wing at the Foreign Ministry told UNB over phone on Sunday.


The Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan already tightened security for the seven foreign Consulates General in Kunming, including Bangladesh, said a Foreign Ministry media note.


All the nationals of Bangladesh residing in Yunnan have been advised by the Foreign Affairs Office to stay at their places of residence until further notice.


Accordingly, Bangladesh Consulate General also advised its nationals — businessmen, visitors and students to remain at home, dormitory or hotel and keep in continuous and close touch with the Mission, it said.


The Consulate General of Bangladesh in Kunming contacted the Foreign Affairs Office of China in Kunming and expressed heartfelt condolences on this heinous attack.


A group of attackers dressed in black, burst into the station in the south-west city of Kunming and began stabbing people at random.


When news of the Kunming knife attacks surfaced on Chinese social media, many wondered whether Xinjiang separatists were responsible.


Hours later, Kunming city authorities confirmed those suspicions, pointing to unnamed evidence found at the scene, according to a BBC report.


One of the assailants was captured alive. According to Chinese state television, she will play a critical role in police efforts to piece together an episode that clearly caught them off guard.


Witnesses say the “well trained” group easily overpowered security guards at the train station. In just 12 minutes, the knife-wielding attackers killed at least 29 people and injured 130 more.

Source: UNBConnect

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