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A ‘Trump therapy’ stirs global fracas

Political and social disasters do not descend in a void. One of the Republican presidential hopefuls of the USA, Donald Trump, has a recipe for a global disaster. Rather, he’s emerging as the very persona of a major disaster.
On Monday, the Republican forerunner has broached a solution for his afflicted nation and for the world: chop off the head to remove headache. “All Muslims should be barred from entering the USA,” he declared.

This is his main external policy prescription. For the over three million resident Muslims within, many of whom are US citizens, he wants them registered, tagged and branded.

Recipe for disaster
If simplicity is the essence of all big theories, his is the one simpler than anything else seen so far. In plain language it means registration of the Muslims within to monitor their activities and stopping all Muslims from outside entering the USA. Whether this is a problem solver or a disaster maker needs further probing. At a time when a lot is expected of a US president, Mr. Trump wants to lead the world without active participation of over 1.4 billion Muslims.
For, his utterances translate into (1) Muslim heads of states and other dignitaries cannot attend the UN gatherings in New York City because they are Muslims and, all Muslims are barred from entering the USA; (2) no Americans can visit or live in Muslim countries due to similar policies to be adopted by disaffected Muslim nations; (3) the USA under Mr. Trump will refrain from lecturing China or Zimbabwe to honour human rights due to its blatant policies of discrimination against people of a specific faith or ethnicity; (4) the USA will cease to control one-fourth of the global GDP by severing ties with 57 Muslim predominant countries.
Let’s hope that the Americans are too smart to do none of the above, and, let’s simply believe that the racist and the utterly prejudiced remarks of Mr. Trump is the product of his seeming anger against some Jihadists fighting the West and their own people in the name of Islam. Then again, the comment itself speaks a volume about what kind of a president he’ll be, if elected.
We wonder whether Mr. Trump is aware that, of the 10,000 or so people murdered each year in the USA through gun-related violence, not even one percent of such incidents are caused by Islamic militants. Yet, Mr. Trump is poised not to take a stand against citizens having guns at home while his anti-Muslim ranting aims only at enticing the ultra-conservatives to vote for him.

Demagogue devoid of reality
In all probability, it’s also likely that his corporate mind is telling him to find a niche in the ‘voters’ market’ and deliver a lucrative product of ‘hatred’ which he thinks will be too popular among the southern voters in particular.
Be that as it may, the game is a dangerous one. Hitler tried it with the Jews and gone down the history as a despised bigot. In the USA, the ultra-conservatives of the George Bush vintage created al-Qaeda and many other Islamic Jihadists; used them to create pretexts to invade many Muslim countries and started fighting them out only to face defeat in the end.

Where’s democracy in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? Where is WMD?
Shoving aside such recent examples, Mr. Trump and the likes now want to seal the USA hermetically from any Muslim setting foot on its shores. This is obnoxious, impractical and abhorrent. As well, from the perspective of sheer practicality, will the US Congress and the Senate endorse legislation relating to wholesale banning of Muslims from entering the USA?
If not, Mr. Trump’s postulation should be treated as a mere hubris by a demagogue devoid of reality. “This is just more of the outrageous divisiveness that characterizes his every breath and another reason why he’s entirely unsuited to lead the United States,” says Ohio Governor John Kasich.
That aside, a man hopeful of leading the USA must behave in a manner befitting to the chair he’ll have sit on in the Oval office. Only a day before, Sunday, President Obama urged the Americans not to overreact to the recent terrorist massacre in San Bernardino by vilifying Islam. He also praised the patriotism of millions of American Muslims who he said were ‘revolted by the actions of those killers and thugs of extremists.’

Neo-cons are back with vengeance
Mr. Trump must also read a bit more about the US-Japan relations. Following the surprised Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese in 1941, tens of thousands of Japanese were arrested in the USA and forced into internment as the USA joined the war as an ally of Britain, France and the others.
Then the USA atom-bombed Japan and re-built it from the scratch. If Mr. Trump is reminding voters of that precedent, he must be the one contemplating the triggering of a Third World War too, if elected.
The final lesson for Mr. Trump is the one that the USA has just begun to limp out of. Prior to Barack Obama’s election to office in 2008 as the 44th US President, the USA tittered on the brink of bankruptcy; corporations withered, banks collapsed and houses were for sale for a dollar. The tantrum of the falling economy caused millions to starve while many cities filed for bankruptcy protection. Outside the USA, American flags and George Bush’s effigy were seen burning like wild fires all over the world.
All these occurred due to what George Bush (jr) and his neo-cons team did in years before in the name of fighting a war on phantom terror and chasing of the ghosts of some unseen enemies.
As the Obama days draw closer to sun setting, those neo-cons are back with a vengeance, with Donald Trump as their front runner. They want to cash on the latest spike in anti-Muslim ranting triggered by the influx of Syrian refugees toward Europe.
Mr. Trump will not heed to logic, reasoning, or law, we know. But he’d instilled serious fear in the minds of millions of innocent Muslim emigrants who love the USA as much as Mr. Trump does and are ready to die for the cause of global human dignity and freedom.
Before Trump and his cohorts are allowed to poison the global ambiance further, someone should show them with mathematical precision why the Middle East and the Muslim world is in such a mess.

Source: Weekly Holiday

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