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A disaster in a container Depot, not to repeat


Bangladesh is a progressive country and its economic growth is exemplary of other nations around the world. Last few years our GDP growth has been handsome positive. Shipping and its logistic has an impact on this economic growth. To ensure an adequate supply chain, the container is a good medium for the carriage of goods. Container transportation, handling, storage, and distribution is a complex mechanism. Maximum developed country handling container with advance management software, even our port authority also doing the same. For efficient container storage and handling process the followings are mandatory components:

What could be the causes of this disaster (Fire and Explosion):

What is MSDS?

A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity, and environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product. It is an essential starting point for the development of a complete health and safety program. Each MSDS has 16 sections and section 5 describes Fire Fighting Measures.

From: SAFETY DATA SHEET -Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Standard, Source: Google.

Description of MSDS section 5 for Hydrogen peroxide 50% standard:Suitable extinguisher was WATER to fight at incipient stage (small fire inside the container)

Suggestions to All Container depot:


I have prepared this write-up only to make an awareness among people working with the container depot. As a Marine Engineer, I thought to share my understanding and knowledge to support maritime logistics and distribution gateway. A container depot is a maritime-linked industry. I pray to the Almighty to save our nation and to protect us from any disaster that we witnessed a few hours ago.

Disclaimer: it’s not an investigation report, it’s a suggestive approach only.


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