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‘64% think Bangladesh in right direction’

Sixty-four percent of Bangladeshi people believe that the country is heading in the right direction and most of the respondents are satisfied with the state of the economy, says a poll conducted by IRI’s Center for Insights in Survey Research.

According to the new national poll conducted from October 30 to November 19, 2015, almost all of the respondents who remain positive about the direction of their country, thinks that it has seen significant improvements in the fields of education, transportation and the economy.

Of the 32% of respondents who believed Bangladesh was headed in the wrong direction, nearly half cited political instability as the main reason, added the survey.

However, all most all of the respondents were increasingly positive about the security conditions in Bangladesh with 80% stating that current security conditions were very good, a significant increase of 12 points from the June 2015 survey.

The survey found that respondents are developing a greater assurance of their future economic well-being.

Nearly 80% of Bangladeshi participants stated the current economic conditions were very good or somewhat good, with 72% indicating that their personal economic situation will improve in the coming year.

Nine out of 10 respondents stated that their family has enough income to afford basic commodities.

Findings also show that support for the government has increased with 72% of respondents stating that they approved of the job being done by the government, an increase of six points from the last survey conducted in June.

Fighting corruption remains a challenge as 49% of respondents cited a negative government performance with respect to the issue, versus 47% who responded positively.

“The economy is clearly a priority for the Bangladeshi people,” said Derek Luyten, IRI regional director for Asia. “However, overall stability will play a critical role in sustaining future economic growth.”

In the midst of this growing optimism on Bangladesh’s future, the survey showed a shift in the importance placed on a democratic system of government compared to a prosperous economy.

Participants responding that democracy was more important decreased from 68% to 51% since the June survey, while participants responding that prosperity is more important increased from 27% to 45%.

However, 88% of respondents believed that while democracy might have problems, it is still better than any other form of government.


What International Republican Institute (IRI) does?

The Center for Insights builds on IRI’s two decades of experience in public opinion research and leverages traditional public opinion research and analysis.

IRI has conducted surveys in Bangladesh since 2008 to inform voters, policy-makers and civil society stakeholders on key electoral issues.

Source: Dhaka Tribune

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