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2 AL groups clash over seating at rally

Supporters of two groups of Dhaka city Awami League clashed at the Bangbabandhu Avenue over seating arrangement at a protest rally. At least six party activists sustained minor injuries during the clash. Dhaka city Awami League organised the rally to protest against the ‘falsehood’ being spread by BNP senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman, in the afternoon. According to witnesses, supporters of Ilias Ali Mollah MP scuffled with some activists of 56 no ward Awami League over sitting on chairs during the meeting. Dhaka city Awami League leaders managed to calm them down. After the rally, supporters of Ilias Mollah allegedly threw chairs on the activists of 56 no. ward (Ramna) Awami League. Panic gripped shoppers and shopkeepers of the area when the two groups began chasing each other. Acting general secretary of Dhaka city Awami League Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya, with the assistance of on-duty members of law enforcing agencies, took the situation under control. Jamal Ahmed, acting assistant office secretary of Dhaka city Awami League, however, claimed it was more an argument than a clash. A leader of 56 no. ward Awami League named Bipul Maksud said supporters of Ilias Ali Molla swooped on them first. Ilias Ali Molla could not be reached over phone for comments.

Source: Newage

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