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ব্রিটিশ পার্লামেন্টের সামনে সাংবাদিক সামসুল আলম লিটনের বক্তব্য।



The speech, in front of the British Parliament, in English, by Shamsul Alam Liton, a member of CHRD Bangladesh (the Coalition for Human Rights and Democracy in Bangladesh) and BFDF (Bangladesh Freedom and Democracy Forum), a former Program Director of Bangla TV, London, presently Editor of the Weekly Surma, London, and former Deputy Press Secretary (2003-05) to President Iajuddin Ahmed.    
In his speech, Shamsul Alam Liton resolutely supported Human Rights and democracy in Bangladesh, the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh, saying that Bangladesh is not a dependency of India, and gave strong support to Boycott Indian Products movement.
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