Communications Minister Obaidul Quader on Thursday said the candidates backed by the ruling Awami League suffered defeats in the Upazila Parishad elections across the country due to “organisational weakness” of the party.
“The Awami League must analyze the reason of its defeat in Upazila Parishad polls,” he said at a rally organised by Bangladesh Chhatra League at the Teachers Students Centre (TSC) auditorium on the Dhaka University campus.
About the proposed Padma Bridge, Obaidul Quader said the construction of the main bridge will begin next June with own funding. But, five financial entities of different countries are cooperating with the project.
Urging the Chhatra League leaders and activists “not to become a guard” for any political leader, he said, the entire organization should not bear any stigma because of a handful of activists.
Recalling the verdict of Biswajit murder case, Obaidul Quader said the government will not spare any one involved in the recent attacks on students of Rajshahi University. “The people involved in the attacks will certainly be punished.”
Source: UNB Connect